We promise 100% satisfaction. Not happy with it? We'll give your money back.

At invitationindia.in, your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not satisfied with our service, reach out to us within 7 days, and we'll happily refund your money.

To improve our service, kindly share the reason for your refund. We value your feedback and always work to make you happy. Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your special moments.

Requesting a refund

Watermark Remove

To request a refund for watermark removal purchased from the invitationindia.in:

1. Click Here to apply for refund

2. And provide the following details

A. Refund Amount

B. Payment Date

C. Refund Reason

D. Attached Payment Proof

E. Your UPI ID for receiving the refund.

3. You can request a refund or return within 7 days from the transaction date. It's even better if you apply within the first 24 hours.

4. We may require up to 14 days or more to process your refund request.